Honeycomb necklace modeled in Tinkercad, printed in PLA, then cast in silver and bronze. Both silver pieces have a liver of sulfur patina.
Bradford pear live edge bowl
Side grain turned bowl with a live bark edge made from bradford pear.
White oak wedding arch
Whit oak wedding arch with a black walnut stain.
Cherry ring box
Ring box made from cherry wood with rare earth magnets at the corners.
A gift for a friend, I modeled and rigged these FrogApes in Blender so I could vary their poses, and then 3d printed them in PLA.
Permutation 2^4 (division, mirrored)
A video made in Adobe Premier Pro demonstrating how the permutation set of 2 to the power of 4, two numbers to four places, can be visually divided.
Permutation 3^3
A video made with Adobe Audition and sound played on a keyboard demonstrating the permutation of 3 to the power of 3. Every possible combination of three notes to three places.
Permutation series (wood laser engravings)
A series of laser engravings on white oak and ash. Each engraving is a different visual representation of an ordering of permutations, every possible combinations of a set of numbers.
Rocking Lamp
Plywood lamp with a mercury switch inside.